Friday, October 3, 2008

you probably think this song is about you

this semester in school i am taking a voice class, and in this class we must choice a song and work on perfecting it so than the other class mates can tear it apart when you preform. for the next assignment the teacher wanted us to make a list of things that makes us unique then choose a song that bast displays the person with in. well this got me thinking and i started noticing things about myself that other people may not share. so here is a small portion of that list.

1) I enjoy writing in red pen

2) I can identify nearly every flower that gross in Arizona

3) every time i drive by a good climbing tree without stopping, i die a little inside

4) I do not enjoy swimming in the ocean

5) I feel uncomfortable in rain and snow

6) I think there is a special place in the underworld for people who drive hummers

7) buying school supplies gives me a natural high

8) floral prints make my heart smile

9) I have a love hate relationship with jazz music

10) i want to be buried in the Sleepy Hallo cemetery in new york state

so with all that said i think the song that well best soot me is "baby-got-back" by sir-mix-a-lot. if you have a different idea please do share.


hilary and morgan said...

i think you should choose lollipop. not the lil wayne version. the better version.

Claire Gordon said...

I think it would be "Journey To The Past" from the Anastasia soundtrack, because you're Anastasia.

The Morris Life said...

thank you clair you always know what to say