Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sister act part I

Dear Bloggers,
I would like to introduce you to my other half. Her name is Tiffany Brooke Steinepreis, aka Brookie. She is my younger sister, and do to the fact that she does not have a blog I have taken it open it my self to introduce her to you. Before i begin it is important to note that she is not my only sibling i have two older sisters and an older brother who I love VERY much but this post is dedicated to Brookie.this is the fam. Angie is the oldest she is in the strips, Becky is next she is in pink, and the kid behind the plant is none other than James. we are an American Family.

This is part one out of a four part blog. The picture above is one of Brookie and I, She was born May 10th, I was 19 months old. Here is the deal people I was born first and I was given the name Stephanie, 19 months later my mother had another baby and named that one Tiffany. are you seeing where i am going with this?? IT'S THE SAME NAME!!!! Stephanie and Tiffany. talk about a bad Disney made for TV movie about twins and how their parents gave them names that rhyme. But folks when the two children are not twins and are clearly two different people it is not cool to rhyme their names. so don't do it. So before "Tiffany" even turned a year old we were all calling her Brookie.
Now Brookie and I have shared a room since the day she was born until the day i moved out, so about 17 years, and we have done everything together from road trips to Beaver OK, to strolling stings. this however does not mean we are anything alike.

1st example: as a child brookie had the smile of an angel, while i looked like the demon child

Brookie to your left and yours truly to your right

WHO THE CRAP PUT ME IN RED NYLON!? Also note, Brookies cute little finger chew

2nd example: Brookie was always pleasant and nicely dressed. mean while I had a difficult time understanding why we wear clothes, and even how we wear clothes Yes my underwear is on backwards, and the music is upside down......that's how i roll

Last Brookie does not have a single competitive bone in her body. As long as everyone is happy than she is happy. As for me, I have a different view

Brookie and I at some arcade park. She is the one in the blue just shooting the breeze (what the crap is on her head?) while I have my "game face" on looking like i am ready to tare into a piece of meat.
We all have are differences. but that's what makes us "unique". I think my mother said it perfectly when I asked her why Brookie has cute blond curls and why I had strange bald spots at age 5. she simply replied..."every one has their own thing that makes them pretty, and when you get older i am sure you will have a full head of hair"

morgan tagged me

Ten Years Ago: I was 9, almost 10. I liked my dog Buddy and hated school.
Five places I have lived:
1. The Ghetto
2. My house with the pillars
3. My grandparents house
4. The Whitehead house
5. My sister's house
Five things on my to do list:
1. ignore my sister Brookie (just because I can)
2. have dinner with Julie Andrews
3. make home made pickles
4. consider exercising
5. lurk
I enjoy: scaring people. not wearing makeup. tree houses.
Two bad habits:
1. noticing things about peoples faces, like your nostrils or the girth of your chin
2. not washing my hair everyday (it drives my mother crazy)
Five things you may not know about me:
1. I dream of being a stand up comic.
2. I want to major in musical theatre.
3. baby beauty pageants are so creepy that I have trouble sleeping at night.
4. I know more about serial killers than you do.
5. I have never had a tap lesson in my life but i think i am really good at it.
Five jobs I've had:
1. Wendy's.....SICK.
2. Neilson's Frozen Custard...the boss lady was evil and she had a wooden leg and behind her back i would talk to her like she was a pirate
3. Hotdog On A Stick... and yes i had to wear the hat
4. live in nanny..aka live in Hell
5. Respite worker. I love it.

Things that Morgie and I have in common

1) We can spend an unhealthy amount of time lurking on facebook and myspace
2) We use the number 69 when ever possible
3) We invented Bong Boarding
4) We did Strolling Strings for four years
5) We don't know why we did Strolling Strings for four years
6) We have a bad habit of making fun of people we don't know
7) We are incredibly good at Eavesdropping
8) We both can skip
9) We both HATE junior high whochies
10) We are bound and determined to find the worlds greatest sandwich place
11) We eat more doughnuts than any human being ever should
12) We take Creepy photos
13) We fill the need, that every time we see a stray dog we must stop and "rescue" it
14) We are feminist
15) We both know how to drive
16) We both love documentaries on bizarre subjects
17) We wear sweaters to the movies in the middle of the summer
18) We both have a twin
19) We both went to school for special ed and then by second semester we both had changed our minds
20) We saw Jimmy Eat World live

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Forgiveness..... is more than saying sorry

Dear Bloggers,
I am asking for your forgiveness for my pathetic blogging skills. My BFF Morgan Marlyn Wood has been on my case about it for some time now. Well my fellow bloggers I now have my very own lap top so now I have a feeling that this is all I will be doing. My deep apologizes go out to the only two people that comment on my last blog, the Wood sisters and the Fletchers (and yes Fletchers I do remember you both, the first time I met Mr. Fletcher he had purple cool aid on his face) thank you guys for staying with me in this dark and lonely period of my life. You did not have to stay and support me but you did, and I am forever great full.
I guess what I am trying to say that if all the Bloggers in the world could forgive for my poor behavior I promise on John Stamos' career that I will keep up on my blogging and I will leave you wanting more after each new entry.
Thank you for your understanding and Love
Stephanie Steinepreis