Sunday, June 29, 2008

Things that Morgie and I have in common

1) We can spend an unhealthy amount of time lurking on facebook and myspace
2) We use the number 69 when ever possible
3) We invented Bong Boarding
4) We did Strolling Strings for four years
5) We don't know why we did Strolling Strings for four years
6) We have a bad habit of making fun of people we don't know
7) We are incredibly good at Eavesdropping
8) We both can skip
9) We both HATE junior high whochies
10) We are bound and determined to find the worlds greatest sandwich place
11) We eat more doughnuts than any human being ever should
12) We take Creepy photos
13) We fill the need, that every time we see a stray dog we must stop and "rescue" it
14) We are feminist
15) We both know how to drive
16) We both love documentaries on bizarre subjects
17) We wear sweaters to the movies in the middle of the summer
18) We both have a twin
19) We both went to school for special ed and then by second semester we both had changed our minds
20) We saw Jimmy Eat World live

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