Ten Years Ago: I was 9, almost 10. I liked my dog Buddy and hated school.
Five places I have lived:
1. The Ghetto
2. My house with the pillars
3. My grandparents house
4. The Whitehead house
5. My sister's house
Five things on my to do list:
1. ignore my sister Brookie (just because I can)
2. have dinner with Julie Andrews
3. make home made pickles
4. consider exercising
5. lurk
I enjoy: scaring people. not wearing makeup. tree houses.
Two bad habits:
1. noticing things about peoples faces, like your nostrils or the girth of your chin
2. not washing my hair everyday (it drives my mother crazy)
Five things you may not know about me:
1. I dream of being a stand up comic.
2. I want to major in musical theatre.
3. baby beauty pageants are so creepy that I have trouble sleeping at night.
4. I know more about serial killers than you do.
5. I have never had a tap lesson in my life but i think i am really good at it.
Five jobs I've had:
1. Wendy's.....SICK.
2. Neilson's Frozen Custard...the boss lady was evil and she had a wooden leg and behind her back i would talk to her like she was a pirate
3. Hotdog On A Stick... and yes i had to wear the hat
4. live in nanny..aka live in Hell
5. Respite worker. I love it.
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